01 January 2010

The wonders of turning 50.

At the end of 2008 I suddenly got the guts to turn on the computer. Turning 50 must have been the magic element needed to make me aware of the fact that computers are as clever as their operators. Now, how to get clever, was the question.

The icon "PAINT" made me curious enough to explore a bit and before long I've made my first drawing on computer...using a mouse. The bug had bitten - I was hooked on the ability to edit undo and change my mind with the flick of a switch. To keep me intrigued, my husband, At, bought me a pressure sensitive pen after a while so that I could draw with more control. The programme that came with the pen and pad - Coral Painter - wasn't too daunting, so I got more courageous. I found it easy to look only at the screen and not my hand while I was drawing, so as I learnt how to use the various tools, the works became less decorative and more impressionistic-realistic.

Since I've made my first tentative marks on screen a year ago, I haven't only played around - I've even designed a few logos, event-posters, etc...that were used to advertise classes, shops, skills and exhibitions. Thus I have added the beginnings of a knew and useful skill to my box of abilities.

I like the lack of control that I have with the mouse - it gives the images a sense of freedom...less choice/prettiness. It's early days yet - there is still a lot to be learned. Exciting!

I've added a few of my computer-drawings. All were drawn with a mouse. I'll add some "pen"-drawings at a later stage.

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